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Mahendra Neupane


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in life, you're going to face A LOT of disappointments. You may not get that dream job you wanted or your supporter might dump you or you might not get that dream job. it's easy to forget that the more you do, the more you fail. As they say: "You win some. You lose most." If you're not failing, then you're either not doing enough, and/or you're not challenging yourself enough. Not only that, when you graduate and step into the real world, you won't have a syllabus or an academic calendar that tells you exactly what you can expect for every day of the year. That's a big deal. That fact alone is why you're going to fail a lot at first. Just remember it's a learning experience, and the more you practice, the more you'll succeed. Whatever the disappointment is, you must remain hopeful because, after all, hope is what keeps us alive.

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